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What do any of these comments have to do w/ the patch being released for PSN. I'm glad its ou.t Hope it gets to 360 soon but I hear there's already a new way to do the infinite care package glitch.

5241d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You run into all of this stuff way too much. IW really needs to fix all of these things and let players know they did release the game w/ some balance issues and they're going to make it so MP ends up being played the way it was intended. And to all the people saying if it's in the game it's not a glitch or boosting, please shut up. It's in the game because IW doesn't think people will waste days of their lives laying in corners killing each other for a title that only matters in a game. You ...

5251d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Far Cry 2 looked great but the gameplay got old fast and when you did finally really get into it you were hit with a game ending glitch or corrupt save file.

5253d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

For game developers that get to work w/ house money and aren't forced in to release dates. I think you would see a lot better games if EA and Activision didn't have so much control.

5256d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds like they're going to add DVD support. Watch out Sony and MS.

5256d ago 22 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds like they might ruin a classic. Hopefully it isn't corny and has good MP

5259d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

would have been so long and a lot of work for IW. Probably why they decided not to do it. So they only have to focus on the major glitches once the game released and people would have to settle for a lot of small bugs and unbalance.

5260d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not like everybody has their Xbox set up in an empty room. Wii works because you can move around your hand while sitting down. So many of my friends have their 360's in their rooms right at the bottom of their beds me included. Not a lot of room to be moving around. 3D would honestly be more practical.

5263d ago 29 agree2 disagreeView comment

but they never ended the story in MW2. This would have been like Bungie not making Halo 3

5264d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mine hasn't been played since my mom came home w/ wii fitness. It use to have a nice spot in my entertainment center right next to the 360 and PS3. Now it's hookep up in my little sister's room where I have no idea if it's ever played.

5268d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

The first time I heard about it was 2006. We're now going into 2010 and it's not even confirmed to be releasing this year. So many big games have come and gone since then, many of them already have sequels. I've lost all the interest I had in this game. I forget it exists other than when I see half ass updates about it. This game better be amazing or else this company is going to go under w/ all the resources they wasted on it.

5286d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Honestly the more people they let into a beta and the bigger they try to make it the better. There is just so many gamers that are going to be playing the end product the developers will never be able to test all the stuff they're going to do. MW2 is the perfect example of this. The online is a mess and the only people to blame is IW.

If they use it as a marketing tool that's w/e. Obviously people want early access to the game and some people and devs are against this for w/e r...

5286d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good original article. Some points aren't really great but you're number 1 is spot on. So many of my freinds have bought Xbox 360 because that's what their friends have. I often sign off of Live if none of my friends are on unless I'm playing a new game.

5383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No wonder everyone is crying for a price drop. I thought they were priced at $300 and $400. $450 on sale though, what is Sony thinking? Drop that price.

5420d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

You get a console ban and one of your consoles you used to have got RRoD. You sent it to MS and they just send you a refurb then your's gets repaired and used as a refurb for someone else. Then they go to play Halo 3 on Live only to find out they're band for showing their junk on Xbox Live when really it was you. Just seems like this will cause a new set of problems.

5421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Between both systems and now a week or 2 after launch and it's at 600,000. Why then were their servers completely crashed. I loved the game and congrats on them breaking the record but they said it blew away all their expectations and it was so popular thats why they didn't have enough servers. When I first heard that I assumed it had to be at least 1 million day one. What were their expectations; 200? I mean between PS# and 360 you have like 40million possible customers and 600,000 blew away...

5432d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless this show turns out to be the new spongebob I doubt Sony will waste their time.

5435d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Instead of paying for the game at a store when it comes out you're buying it while its still in development directly from the developer so they don't have to borrow money from a publisher and already have their money w/ out worrying about sales.

5435d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who is going to invest millions, thousands, or even hundreds of dollar into a game just to get a free copy when the most you'll ever pay is $60 at retail. It just doesn't make sense unless they're counting on millions of small donations like $20 each but if they're all getting a free copy of the game who is going to buy it.

5435d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A new console will be out in about 2 or 3 years but MS will continue to support 360 with such a huge install base. A few years into a console's life cycle is when companies start making real return on their product. They sell so many and are actually in the black. A new console will be amazing but I'm not going to complain about the systems out now.

5438d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment